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Cathodic Protection Using Photovoltaic Power

Cathodic protection is corrosion control for pipelines, underground storage tanks, well casings, etc.

In the U.S., federal regulations require sall underground metal storage which holds toxics or petrochemicals to be cathodically protected. Photovoltaic systems have been successfully utilized for this application since 1982, and have experienced much early utilization due to widescale joint PV and bulk-fuel industry involvement, Determining the amount of current required to protect a large a metal structure or chemical pipeline is challenging and not at all straightforward, even for experienced corrosion engineers. Small, single tank systems are relatively straightforward and installation are often accomplished without sophisticated engineering.

Photovoltaic systems allow designers ongoing flexibility tomodify the size and location of the PV power delivery component. Additionally,fine tuning of large cathodic protection systems, through the use of small,incremental tributaries is often a cost-effective solution.

Generally, photovoltaic arrays are installed near the tank or buried anodesin the case of pipelines. Batteries and charge controllers are used formost all PV powered cathodic protection systems.

PV for corrosion control is a steady market segment for 2007-2008.

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