Welcome to SolarSteve

Renewable Energy Education for 2010 and Beyond.

Empower Appropriate Renewables To Help Reduce All Carbon Emissions by 2012


Solarsteve is looking to give away his renewable energy education library to a good home.
Solarsteve's entire solar education library [photovoltaic, wind energy, ocean energy, biomass fuels, etc]
is packed up and ready to be delivered.
First choice is a local Community College with a Solar/Renewable Energy Program.
If you're interested in a free renewable energy education library, please contact, ASAP:,

see more solar library pages

...see more SolarSteve Library Photos

....The world is changing every day. Renewable energy...photovoltaic power, passive solar architecture, electric vehicles, alcohol fuels, wind conversion systems...are all forward-thinking systems for people and industry this millenium and beyond.
In 2010 half of all the people on earth are still living at the 'developing village' level.
RESCUE TEAM INC is currently looking at renewable energy solutions for village power as well as the renewably fueled cities of the future.

Do you have renewable energy expertise? Think:
R.E.S.C.U.E.  T.E.A.M  I.N.C.

Renewable Energy Systems Consultants United Enterprises To Ensure Ample Management In Negotiating Crises

:::renewable energy education:::solar energy education:::environmental education::free renewable energy education library:::

Electrical Battery Storage

Deep cycle, rechargeable, long-life battery banks are required in all photovoltaic applications for which there are energy demands other than during sunlight hours. Exceptions are certain grid-connected PV installations, where the utility grid acts in lieu of storage. Another exception is "PV pumped-water-storage" installations, which also acts in lieu of chemical storage batteries. In this configuration, water is pumped uphill, to be released only upon demand, when it is forced across the veins of a low-head-hydro, permanent magnet alternator, thereby creating on-site electricity.
For 2000-2001, lead acid is still the storage medium of choice for most PV applications, along with nickle-hydride where applicable. See Battery congigurations

Although there are shining examples, in general, worldwide, the battery bank component continues to be an economic burden in life-cycle assessments of autonomous PV applications. Issues such as short lifespan, weight, initial cost, low energy density and transition to localized mass production all point to a continued need for research and development.