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Wind Glossary::::WindEdu:::::SolarEdu::::::PVApps


School of Terrestrial Wind Energy

invites you to consider a few issues concerning

::: Towers :::

There are many styles and models of towers to choose from, but there arebasically only two types. There are self-supporting towers and those whichmust be held erect by guy wires anchored in concrete.

The self-supporting tower gets its strength from its tapered design, aswell as the deep anchoring of its legs into concrete footings. Guyed systemsare engineered for the stresses and bending moments exerted by the generator.Weighing up to 1,000 pounds or more, it may sway a few inches in any directionover the normal course of operation.

Choice of tower type and style will usually be determined by your client'sbudget and space limitations. Free-standing towers generally take up lesssquare footage overall and are generally more expensive.

Free-standing or guyed, in-house erected or otherwise, safety and most localcodes require that a qualified electrical contractor be responsible formaking sure that the completed tower is equipped with lightning arrestersand adequate grounding.

"The road to Carbon Emission Reduction is always under construction"

Wind Glossary::::WindEdu:::::SolarEdu::::::PVApps
