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Financing Village Electrification
Demand for electricity in industrialized nations, with well-established
electric power systems and relatively steady per capita electric
consumption, is unlike the increased demand experienced by the
developing nations. As rural electrification continues to assume
global proportions, the world's population grows. Well into the
next century, the axiom that eventual demand outpaces current
demand will surely to be true for electrical consumption. Still,
there is long term potential for profitable business, only if
local economies can afford to pay an asking price above real cost
of supply.
Therefore, any source of electricity must compete economically,
with delivery technologies that both reflect and satisfy local
demographics. Power for water delivery to agriculture, access
to telecommunications, area lighting, widescale education as well
as dental and medical attention combine to provide the roots of
economic growth. Over the next decade virtually all of the developing
countries will account for increasing shares of installed electric
Internationally, electricity is industrial society's prehensile
appendage, limited only by its marginal cost of delivery. Currently
local needs, fossil fuel prices, as well as initial costs for
conventional and renewable technology systems, combine to determine
the types of electric plants to be built. Electric power delivery
is highly capital-intensive, and therefore the major requirement,
for the foreseeable future, is capital.
Availability of credit / financing
Historical perspective
In the years before World War II, most capital for electric plants
was financed through private means. Most power companies were
privately owned and sought foreign and domestic markets for their
capital needs.
After the war, popular demand combined with widescale government
recognition of the electric delivery sector to champion economic
growth. This paradigm shift resulted in a massive trend, in the
industrialized nations, toward electric companies becoming state
and municipal enterprises, thereafter relying on government programs
and credit to finance expansion.
In the developing countries most installed base of power delivery
systems received substantial support from the World Bank as well
as other multi and bilateral funding institutions.
As the developing nations urbanize and industrialize, the capital
requirements for electric power accelerate compared to those for
rural societies just beginning the growth process.
This accelerated growth has traditionally placed huge demands
on the limited resources of the public sector. between 2000-2002
it will not be unusual to see as much as one-third of all public
investment resources going to electric power.
There are advantages and disadvantages to relying on public-sector
ownership and public-sector credit. For example, in many developing
areas, isolating the power sector from the inefficiencies of local
government has been very costly. In such cases, inadequate maintenance
of capital-intensive equipment has resulted in equipment losses
compounded by the loss of output revenues to local industry, compounded
by loss of critical electricity to power local industry.
Lessons learned from early prototypes show most advantages gained
have been due to proper systems integration, followed by local
infrastructural development & training blended with ongoing
monitoring and maintenance programs. When these latter components
are financed in the original mix, alongside initial capital requirements,
there is a higher likelihood for project sustainability.
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